IT Support

Nationwide onsite and remote support options with ultra-fast response and resolution times from industry-specific experts dedicated to your organization. 

IT Strategy & Consulting

From workstation refreshes to cloud migration and everything in between, our team helps your organization use the latest technology for your productivity gain.

Server Design & Virtualization

Utilizing the latest storage and visualization technology, Miles can make sure your server infrastructure achieves maximum efficiency at the right cost.

Network Design & Infrastructure

Maximize network speeds, uptime, and security to run your organization more efficiently with the help of Miles expertise.

Cloud Migration & Management

Get consulting, implementation, and support for cloud solutions such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, Microsoft Azure, and Office 365.

Wireless Networks

Our dedicated wireless experts provide fast and reliable wireless solutions, no matter the size.



Contact Us

Chivello PC Technology Unit

E-mail: Seanridgeway@chivellopc.com

Phone: 1-800-835-1228

About Us


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